
Back to the great athletes of the winter Olympics that I mentioned in a previous Blog entitled “Lebanese winter sports”, but this time with more than amazement…this time with great respect, admiration, and life inspiration.
I will only try to write about my own feeling that I may not be able to transmit to you unless you see what I have seen, and think about your life the same way I did about mine. What did I see? People skiing on one leg… people I wouldn’t call handicapped or disabled, people I would rather call gifted. Determined to live a normal, and even better than normal life. When I saw those one-legged skiers speeding and racing down the slopes making those tight and dangerous turns, and at the same level of performance as any other “physically normal” Olympic skier, I started thinking how strong and determined those people are and how much they love and apreciate life. I also understood that my perception of life was too shallow. I take my everyday’s life for granted. I am passive, I receive what life brings to me, take the same train everyday, walk the same road that others have walked before me, live as if there will always be a tomorrow, and as if my life could only be the way it is. I have never looked beyond what my eyes can see, never jumped beyond the horizon, and never challenged my mind and body to a higher level or an extreme. I don’t know how far I could go, and what is worse is that I don’t know how to go further than what I'm currently living or even for what purpose. But I know that there is a miracle maker inside of me, I just have to find a reason and a way to bring him to life.
Try to think about it, it will definitely be easier for you to overcome whatever you thought were obstacles, you will see life much easier, and much more interesting. Think about how you could change, improve, innovate… and check out the lyrics of this French song "Chante Comme si tu devais mourir demain" by Michel Fugain posted by Nobilis Tobilis a Blogger, and friend of mine.
"I get knocked down but I get up again!" or at least that is how the song goes. People only reach their potential as they attack problems instead of run from them. For some it takes discovering the problems first. Be careful these little guys are as tricky as the Vietnamese hiding in the jungle tickets! So find yours and then get to kicking it's skinny little @$$!!! Rock on JD!!!
You are definitely right Otter... some problems may be as tricky as those tiny viets hiding all around you, and others as huge, tall and obvious as German soldiers hitting you right in the face...sometimes you dodge but that's a short-term solution. You must hit back, and hit hard and as you always say... what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
i had the same feeling JD when i went to this music performance in my sis's university and saw her classmate: he is a 20yr old blind guy ! he is in university, his name is on the honors list, he plays viloin man..... it makes ur heart break to pieces ..... he is using his resources ultimately , he is abusing his talents , activating his brain cells and u never see him coplain about life...
And others who experience a small loss in their lives,like me ,think life stops there and they can't prevail, after i saw him i felt so little ,so trivial infront of his amazing will .......
JD u are a very talented person,a great artist, i saw the drwaings u have, u can make the person in the portrait talk even, u know what that means ur gifted! just believe in urself and let ur imagination be a part of ur creativity.........
Hey sarcastic... I hope you got over your loss, and wish it would be your last. there are some people that have enough power in them to flood some over you. Thanx for the compliments about my drawings... If you've seen them, it means I know you, so give me a few hints and let me guess. I'll thank you in person :)
Hey JD. The things these guys can do are incredible. I believe that, because they lost some of their capacities, they compensate them in other things. And it apperas in these photos how these guys have the determination and will to do things that even "normal" people can't. By the way I'm a winter sports lover however i'm more into nordic skiing rather than alpine skiing.
Nobilis it seems that you like all endurance sports. you participated in the Beirut marathon, and planning to get urself a bicycle and attracted to nordic skiing...and hey you made the 40K marathon in spite of the pain in your leg, also got determinism. I'm presonnaly more into action, speed and power rather than endurance. So I like basketball, football,and alpine skiing. And although I broke my legs around 15 times, I'm still playing Basket ball and skiing, so I suppose I'm stubborn.
Yes u're right but in Lebanon the more accessible endurance sport is running, unfortunately. Nordic skiing or cycling are considered here as fancy sports, not accessible for all, money wise. Cycling is not in the culture of the Lebanese eventhough we have the physical characteristics for it.
what are you waiting for?? take a chance! you only get to live once :)
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