
Back to the great athletes of the winter Olympics that I mentioned in a previous Blog entitled “Lebanese winter sports”, but this time with more than amazement…this time with great respect, admiration, and life inspiration.
I will only try to write about my own feeling that I may not be able to transmit to you unless you see what I have seen, and think about your life the same way I did about mine. What did I see? People skiing on one leg… people I wouldn’t call handicapped or disabled, people I would rather call gifted. Determined to live a normal, and even better than normal life. When I saw those one-legged skiers speeding and racing down the slopes making those tight and dangerous turns, and at the same level of performance as any other “physically normal” Olympic skier, I started thinking how strong and determined those people are and how much they love and apreciate life. I also understood that my perception of life was too shallow. I take my everyday’s life for granted. I am passive, I receive what life brings to me, take the same train everyday, walk the same road that others have walked before me, live as if there will always be a tomorrow, and as if my life could only be the way it is. I have never looked beyond what my eyes can see, never jumped beyond the horizon, and never challenged my mind and body to a higher level or an extreme. I don’t know how far I could go, and what is worse is that I don’t know how to go further than what I'm currently living or even for what purpose. But I know that there is a miracle maker inside of me, I just have to find a reason and a way to bring him to life.
Try to think about it, it will definitely be easier for you to overcome whatever you thought were obstacles, you will see life much easier, and much more interesting. Think about how you could change, improve, innovate… and check out the lyrics of this French song "Chante Comme si tu devais mourir demain" by Michel Fugain posted by Nobilis Tobilis a Blogger, and friend of mine.